Robert Haviland

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Custom Captive Web Portal Page (End User Accept)

Code that must be in the HTML file, “eula.html”.There are a few things that must be in the Custom HTML File, named eula.html. This script must be in between the <head> and </head> tags. Do not change.<!– AH Script must be above </head> tag –>      <script>            function cancel() {            document.write(“”);            window.opener = self;            window.close();            }      …

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The Dangers of the “Guest” SSID

I have setup Wi-Fi at schools, conferences, and snooty shindigs where the goal was to make sure everyone had access to open, relatively fast, and secure Guest networks. And no, I did not use a Captive Portal. Firewall and VLANs yes, Captive Portal, no. The goal was to get the users on and out to …

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How Did That Happen?

I had a customer call and say the PoE board on a switch was down and that 7 APs were impacted. So I make the 2 hour drive to the customer’s site. These are good friends of mine so I don’t mind at all. Upon arrival I ask the usual questions… Storms? Surges? Reboot the …

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