A Few Port Commands on Ruckus 8.0.61

Yes, I know this is old code but I have a few customers still running this version. Besides, I need a place to store it so I can find it later!

Ruckus 8.0.61

Move port from one untagged VLAN to another

conf t
int eth 6/1/1
    vlan-config move untagged 3

Make phone port

conf t
vlan 2
    no untag eth 6/1/1
    tag eth 6/1/1
vlan 101
    tag eth 6/1/1
    interface ethernet 6/1/1
    dual-mode 2
    voice-vlan 101
    inline power power-limit 15400

Remove from voice vlan

conf t
vlan 101
    no tag eth 6/1/1
int eth 6/1/1
    no inline power
    no voice-vlan 101
    no dual mode 2
vlan 2
    no tag eth 6/1/1
    unt eth 6/1/1

always, always

wr mem